Wednesday, September 10, 2008

You are magic...

The world is full of magic... You just have to believe in it...

Make your wish and believe in it, with all your heart.

We should do the things we love instead of the things people expect us to do. I know what I want, more then anything...
Most of the times: Love doesnt need any words.. Just feel it... I know you feel it!!!

I write this to you: who forgot the immensity of love...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Just believe..

We all have a place in this world...

Mine is right beside you..

I know now, nothing is impossible

Most of the times, we are too concerned of what was and what will be...
There are no accidents in live. We just need to believe... Promise me, just BELIEVE... Feel it... in your heart.
To make something special to work, you just have to believe and feel that it is special... Whatever the world is saying....

I know my place now...

Right beside you...